  deff = getDeff(vWL, vPolarisations, fTheta, fPhi)
  deff = getDeff(vWL, vPolarisations, fTheta, fPhi, 'PropertyName',PropertyValue)
  deff = getDeff(vWL, caFields)
  deff = getDeff(vWL, caFields, 'PropertyName',PropertyValue)
  vDeff = getDeff(mWL, mFields)
  mWL = nWL x 3
  mFields = nWL x 3(xyz) x 3(Idler Signal Pump)
    vWL = [800e-9, 800e-9, 400e-9],
    for coaxial:
    vPolarisations = ['o' 'o' 'e'], ['s', 's', 'f'];
    fPhi - required also for uniaxial
    for non-coaxial:
    caFields = {vE_forWL1, vE_forWL2, vE_forWL3} - vE can from
    'Miller' - 'matrix' (default) / 'none'
    'ID' - number (1 default) or []  - id of the nonlinear
    coefficient matrix defined in the particular material file
    (obj.m_caNonlinearCoefficientMatrix) if isempty uses Miller
    matrix with minumum mean(mean(abs(M - 1)))
    sMillerCorrectionOption = 'matrix' (default) / 'none'
    'matrix' - affecting separately every element of d_ij matrix
    'none' - Miller Rule not used, but values o d_ij giving
    smallest Miller number is used.
    you can calculate Electric Field vectors (e o slow fast)
    with getVectors();
Help for NSF11/getDeff is inherited from superclass CMaterial
Method Details
Defining Class CMaterial
Access public
Sealed false
Static false